Dylan Ruiz-Diaz is a football player of Wisła Pulawy

Dylan Ruiz Diaz pilkarzem Wisly Pulwy
Dylan Ruiz-Diaz became a new player of Wisła Pulawy. The player from Australia came to Wisła on the basis of loan from Sportis Łochowo. The contract includes a permanent transfer option.
Born in Prairiewood, the athlete is 20 years old. He has appeared in the youth national teams of Australia. With the U18 team, he won the title of the Junior Asian U-18 Champion during the 2018 championship in Vietnam. Dylan then became the tournament’s top scorer with six goals.

He made his debut in the Australian A-League last season. He played seven games for the Central Coast Mariners, scoring two goals. At the beginning of this year, he came to Poland and signed a contract with the fourth league Sportis Łochowo. He appeared in twelve matches in which he scored 11 goals and recorded 9 assists.
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